NIFE List of Equipment

The IMP has a modern laboratory infrastructure at the Lower Saxony Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research and Development (NIFE). The equipment includes analytical devices for optical, spectroscopic, calorimetric, mechanical, or rheological analysis. Chemical and biological laboratories (S1) are also available.

  • Coupled Raman atomic force microscope

    Coupled Raman atomic force microscope

    The alpha300 RA combines the functions of a Raman microscope and an atomic force microscope (AFM). This combination offers powerful chemical imaging and nano-analytical surface analysis, providing comprehensive sample characterisation.


    • Laser (532 nm) with up to 53 mW
    • Spectrometer with 600 and 1800 groves/mm
    • TruePower control
    • Zeiss objective: 10x, 20x (AFM), 50x, 100x
    • Automated piezo-driven sample stage (x/y/z 100/100/20 µm)
    • AFM modes: contact mode, AC mode (tapping mode)
    • Project5Pro analysis software
  • Electrospraying System

    Electrospraying System

    The in-house developed electrospraying system allows for the creation of spherical hydrogels from low-concentration polymer solutions, such as alginate and agarose, by applying an electric field. This process, also known as electrohydrodynamic spraying, is used for encapsulating cells for immuno-isolation and containing drugs to enable the controlled release of medication. The size and viscoelastic properties of hydrogels are determined by important process parameters such as polymer concentration, flow rate, and the strength of the electric field. The needle or nozzle configuration (single needle, coaxial nozzle) can produce solid spherical hydrogels, multi-structural hydrogels (beads in beads), and core-shell structures. This process is frequently employed in biomedical technology to encapsulate drugs.


    • Electrospraying process parameters
      •         Distance between the needle syringe and the gelling bath (5-20 cm)
      •         Flow rate (depending on the pump setting)
      •         Electric field strength (0-5 kV/cm)
      •         Needle geometry (single needle, coaxial)
    • PC LabView based software for voltage and current monitoring
    • High voltage supply CPx 300 304 24 y
      • Maximum electrical voltage: 30 kV
      • Maximum electrical current: 0.3 mA
      • Standard ripple: 1500 mV
      • Damping resistance: 20 kOhm
      • Discharge resistance: 660 MOhm
      • HV connector: G 13
    • KD-Scientific 200 Pump for setting the flow rate
  • Electrospinning


    The in-house developed electrospinning system is used to produce polymer fibres from various solutions by applying an electric field in a horizontal orientation. This technique enables the production of artificial nano- and microstructured fibre mats, which can be used to develop scaffolds for artificial blood vessels, heart valves, skin, and more. The high voltage charges the viscoelastic liquid droplets. If the electrostatic repulsion caused by surface tension is overcome, the droplet expands and forms fibres.  The gelled fibres are collected on the collector. Different collector geometries and rotation speeds can influence fibre orientation and the 3D appearance of the scaffolds. This process is frequently used in biotechnology, energy technology, and medical technology.


    • Electrospinning process parameters
      • Distance between the needle tip and the collector
      • Flow rate
      • Electrical potential difference
      • Needle geometry
    • Two power supplies for the simultaneous production of fibres from two separate needles
  • Freeze dryer Martin Christ Epsilon 2-10 D

    Freeze dryer Martin Christ Epsilon 2-10 D

    The Martin Christ Epsilon 2-10 D freeze dryer is a laboratory instrument that can be used to freeze-dry solid and liquid biological materials, including virus cultures, bacteria, blood plasma, antibodies, vitamins, and serum fractions. Freeze-drying is a gentle drying process based on sublimation that preserves the biological properties of  sensitive tissues and tissue components. This technique is commonly used in cryopreservation, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.


    • Maximum capacity of the ice condenser: 10 kg
    • Maximum mass flow of the ice condenser: 8 kg/ 24 h
    • Temperature of the ice condenser: -85°C
    • Nominal pump capacity of the vacuum pump: 9 m3/h at 50 Hz, 11.1 m3/h at 60 Hz
    • Five shelves with an area of 0.6 m2
    • Shelf temperature range from -55 to +80°C
    • Electrical three-phase connection with 400 V, 50 Hz
  • Spectrophotometer Biochrom Libra S 22

    Spectrophotometer Biochrom Libra S 22

    The Libra S22 UV/Vis spectrophotometer is used to accurately measure the reflectance of light for different wavelengths. It can measure absorption, transmission, and concentration, as well as perform wavelength scans (with zoom), monitor changes in absorption over time, determine reaction rates, and display and print standard curves as graphics. Custom formulas can be entered using the multi-wavelength mode. It is possible to store up to 18 different procedures in separate operator folders. The spectrophotometer is commonly used in quality control, industrial laboratories, research, biotechnology, and pharmacy.


    • Split beam (RBC) UV/Vis for a wavelength range of 190-1100 nm
    • Monochromator: 1200 lines/mm aberration corrected concave grating
    • Cell compatible
    • Built-in 8 cell changer
    • Spectral bandwidth: <3 nm
    • Wavelength accuracy: ± 1 nm
    • Wavelength reproducibility: ± 0.5 nm
    • Photometric range: -3,000 to 3,000 A, -9999 to 9999 concentration units, 0.1 to 200%T
    • Photometric accuracy: ±0.5% or ±0.003A to 3,000A at 546nm
    • Stability: ± 0.001A per hour at 340nm at 0A
    • Stray light: < 0.05%T at 340nm using NaNO2
    • Maximum scanning speed: 3000 nm/min
    • Zero stability: ± 0.002 A/h at 0 A after warm-up
    • Photometric reproducibility: 0.5% of absorbance up to 3000 A at 546 nm
    • 9-pin serial and parallel Centronics digital output
    • Dual silicon photodiode detectors
    • Integrated xenon lamp technology
  • Planer Kryo 560-16

    Planer Kryo 560-16

    The Kryo 560-16 planer is a computer-controlled freezing device designed for controlled tissue freezing. It is used in cryogenics for cryopreserving bone marrow, stem cells, skin, umbilical cord blood, and large-volume biological samples such as native tissues.  Samples can be frozen in cryobags, cryotubes, ampoules, or cryostraws. The freezing device adheres to a predetermined temperature-time curve, which can be conveniently programmed and operated through the provided MRV control unit and computer. Turbulent flow systems guarantee efficient heat transfer, ensuring precise temperature control throughout all stages of the protocol.


    • MRV control unit
    • LNP4 system pump
    • Chart LAB 30 System
    • Dewar temperature range from +30 to -180ºC
    • Controlled heating rates up to 10 K/min
    • Cooling rates up to -50 K/min
    • Storage temperature from -10 to +50°C
    • Programmable cooling rate range up to -99.9 K/min
    • 16 litre chamber volume
    • Programming of 10 individual freezing profiles possible
    • LCD display with CCFL backlight
    • Cryo bag capacity: 11 x 250/500 mL
    • Cryotube and ampoule capacity: 726 x 2 mL
    • Cryo straw capacity: 608 x 2 mL
    • Power supply (including MRV control unit): 115V ~ 50/60 Hz 1500 VA / 230 V ~ 50/60 Hz 1500
  • Gonotec Osmomat 030

    Gonotec Osmomat 030

    The Osmomat 030 is a cryoscopic osmometer used to determine the total osmolality of aqueous solutions, including sperm, urine, human blood, and drop solutions. The Peltier cooling system is used to cool the samples. It is a non-invasive, in-vitro diagnostic device commonly used in medicine and research.


    • Reproducibility: < ± 0.5% (50 µL), < ± 0.1% (30 µL)
    • Sample volume of 50 to 30 µL
    • Osmolality measurement range up to 3000 mOsmol\kg
    • Resolution capacity of 1 mOsmol\kg over the entire measuring range
    • Two separate Peltier cooling systems
    • 4.5-digit screen display
    • Electronic temperature and stability control
    • Power supply: 220V (±30V), 50/60Hz, 120VA
  • Rheometrics Fluids Spectrometer RFS II

    Rheometrics Fluids Spectrometer RFS II

    The RFS II Rheometer is a deformation-controlled rheometer used for rheological analysis of low and high viscosity liquids, as well as hydrogels. It investigates the technical properties of substances with different flow properties, such as shear rate, vibration frequency, and shear stress.


    • Transducer types
      • Plate-plate, cone-plate, cylinder
    • Transducer measuring unit (mechanical cell)
      • Torque full scale: 100 g/cm
      • Full scale force: 1,000 g
      • Dynamic range: 1,000 to 1
      • Stability: 0.01% Phase angle: ± 0.1°
      • Linearity: 0.1% Hysteresis: 0.05%
      • Frequency: 100 radians/second
    • Testing
      • Stationary (thixotropic loop, sweep rate, single point measurement, shear rate)
      • Dynamic (single point measurement, frequency sweep, temperature sweep, frequency/temperature sweep, strain/time sweep, time/hardening sweep, stress relaxation)
    • Stress/strain analyzer
    • Temperature control via ethylene glycol water bath. Temperature range: -40°C to +80°C
    • Displacement: 0.05 to 500 mrad
    • Control computer with central processing unit
    • Actuator subsystem
      • Dynamic: 0.00001 to 100 radians/second
      • Stationary: 0.001 to 100 radians/second
  • HAAKE Viscotester® VT 500

    HAAKE Viscotester® VT 500

    The VT500 is a mobile, standard-compliant Searle rotational viscometer used to quickly and easily measure the viscosity, shear stress, and velocity gradients of liquid or semi-solid substances. These rheological material parameters are calculated from the reaction torque, velocity, and geometry of the device. The VT500 also includes a ramp program for independent control without the need for a computer.


    • Measuring systems NV, MV, MV I, MV II, MV III
    • Maximum number of revolutions: 600 min-1
    • Speed ​​fluctuation: ± 0.5%
    • Temperature range from -30 to +220°C with external temperature control unit
    • Torque value: 0 - 0.02 Nm
    • 10 adjustable speed switch sensors
  • Cryomicroscope Zeiss Axio Imager M1m with Linkam cryo stages (FDCS 196, BCS 196, GS 350)

    Cryomicroscope Zeiss Axio Imager M1m with Linkam cryo stages (FDCS 196, BCS 196, GS 350)

    The cryomicroscope comprises the motorized Axio Imager M1.m microscope and the Linkam cryostage systems, including the BCS 196, FDCS 196, and GS 350. Each cryostage system is designed for specific applications: BCS 196 for cryobiological studies, FDCS 196 for freeze-drying, and GS 350 for directional freezing. The cryomicroscope is utilised to analyse technical processes that occur during the cooling process, such as ice formation, ice growth kinetics, and cell volume changes, as well as during the warming process, such as recrystallisation. Cold spot nucleation enables temperature control during nucleation, while collapse and eutectic temperatures of samples can be analysed during freeze-drying for biotechnological and medical applications.


    • Microscope Axio Imager M1.m
      • Transmitted light and reflected light
        • Bright field, dark field, differential interference contrast (DIC), phase contrast (Ph), polarization contrast (Pol), circular polarization, fluorescence
      • Reflector turret with six filter modules
        • High frequency filter (1.6x, 2.5x), fluorescence filter (Fs38, Fs43)
      • Lenses
        • LD Plan- Neofluar 20x/ 0.4 Ph2 Corr (Due to the use of the cryostage system, only long-distance lenses can be used)
      • 7x nosepiece
      • Control unit: TFT touch display
      • Lighting unit: HAL 100 halogen lamp
    • Control devices (vacuum control system V94, liquid nitrogen pump LNP 94/2, temperature control system TMS 94)
    • High-speed digital camera Retiga Exi
    • Linksys 32 software
    • Biological cryostage BSC 196
      • Minimum temperature: -196°C
      • Maximum temperature: 125°C
      • Maximum heating rate: 150 K/min
      • Working distance of objective lens: 4.5 mm
      • Working distance condenser lens: 12.5 mm
      • Movement of the XY manipulators: 16 mm
      • Aperture opening: 1.3mm
    • Freeze-drying cryostage FDCS 196
      • Minimum temperature: -196°C
      • Maximum temperature: 125°C
      • Maximum cooling speed: 60 K/min
      • Maximum cooling rate under vacuum: 130 K/min
      • Maximum vacuum: 10-3 mBar
      • Vacuum flange type: FK 10/ FK 10
      • Working distance of objective lens: 4.6 mm
      • Working distance condenser lens: 12.5 mm
      • Movement of the XY manipulators: 16 mm
      • Aperture opening: 1.3mm
    • Temperature Controlled Gradient Pro cyrostage GS 350
      • Minimum temperature: -196°C with LNP 95
      • Maximum temperature: 350°C
      • Maximum heating rate: 30 K/min
      • Working distance of objective lens: 4.6 mm
      • Working distance condenser lens: 12.5 mm
      • Movement of the XY manipulators: 15 mm
      • Maximum motor speed: 400 µm/s
      • Minimum motor speed: 400 µm/s
      • Gap distance between heating elements: 2 mm
  • ASKION C-line® 230

    ASKION C-line® 230

    The ASKION C-line® 230 is a workbench that facilitates examinations in sensitive areas of tissue engineering, stem cell research, in-vitro fertilization, and cryopreservation. It can be used for controlled and reproducible freezing and thawing processes and provides a clear workspace for all manual sample handling in cryogenic environments. Freely configurable freezing curves ensure the highest possible sample quality. The cold chain is a continuous process that can be monitored throughout. This device falls under the Medical Devices Directive as per 93/42/EEC.


    • 3 asynchronous freezing units with a temperature range of +10°C to -160°C
    • Cooling gradient of the freezer unit: - 50 K/min
    • Temperature range of the configurable workspace: up to -130°C
    • Working time: 45 min (-100°C)
    • Maximum freezing volume per freezing unit: 200 mL
    • Maximum volume per sample: 50 mL
    • Coolant: Liquid Nitrogen
    • 17" LCD touchscreen PC display control
    • Software and hardware supported monitoring system
    • Electrically height adjustable
  • Beckman Coulter Vi-Cell XR Cell Viability Analyzer

    Beckman Coulter Vi-Cell XR Cell Viability Analyzer

    The Vi-CELL XR Cell Viability Analyzer is a video imaging system used to analyze the viability of various cell types, including insect, yeast, and mammalian cells. The device determines cell viability using the trypan blue exclusion method and reports results in percent, concentration, and cell number. It is commonly used to maintain optimal culture conditions in bioreactors and for basic cell growth in tissue cultures, making it a valuable tool in biomedical and pharmaceutical applications


    • Trypan blue dye exclusion method
    • Concentration range: 50,000 to 10,000,000 cells per mL
    • Counting accuracy: ± 6%
    • Cell size range: 3 to 70 µm
    • Viability range: 0% to 100%
    • Optimization tool for specific cell type measurements
    • Analysis rate up to 50 images in 2.5 min
    • Digitization resolution of 1.45 megapixels
    • 12-fold automatic sample holder
  • Asymptote VIA Freeze Research

    Asymptote VIA Freeze Research

    The Asymptote VIA Freeze Research is a controlled freezing device that uses free-piston Stirling coolers with a biomolecular screening plate (SBS) to freeze samples and ensure precise control of the cooling rate. It can freeze both cryo bags and cryo tubes and is commonly used in medical laboratory applications.


    • Cooling temperature limit: -100°C at 18°C ​​ambient temperature
    • Cooling rate: -1 K\min up to -70 K\min at 18°C ​​ambient temperature
    • Cooling temperature control range: ± 1°C
    • Cooling capacity of 48 x 2.0 mL in standard cryo tubes or 10-20 mL of liquid in a cryo bag on a custom SBS plate
    • Programmable linear and non-linear cooling protocols
    • Event logging, process validation
    • Magnetically attached, autoclavable sample holders to minimize temperature gradients
    • Can be powered by a 12V automotive inverter or small portable generator
    • Touch screen for system control
    • Homemade aluminum sample holder for multiwall plates (6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 well plates)
    • Additional temperature monitoring with up to 4x T-type thermocouples
  • Motorized fluorescence microscope Zeiss Axiovert 200 M with incubator

    Motorized fluorescence microscope Zeiss Axiovert 200 M with incubator

    The Axiovert 200 M is a state-of-the-art fully motorized inverted wide-field microscope designed for transmitted light and epi-fluorescence. It features a temperature-controlled CO2 incubation system, making it ideal for time-lapse experiments on living cells. The device is primarily used for examining living cells in transmitted and reflected light.


    • Lighting techniques
      • Phase contrast
      • Transmitted light and brightfield methods
      • Differential technology
      • Interference contrast and VAREL contrast
      • Epi-fluorescence
    • Temperature-controlled CO2 incubation system with a heating insert
    • Objectives from 5x to 100x (long distance, cover glass, immersion oil)
    • Apotom slider module for high-quality optical cuts
    • Fluorescence/phase or DIC imaging (Nomarski)
    • Fluorescent shutter
    • 23mm field of view
    • 3-fold optovar turret
    • 6x nosepiece
    • 5-fold reflector turret
    • High thermal and mechanical stability
    • Motorized filter wheel: DAPI, CFP, GFP, Texas Red and Brightfield
    • Focusing motor with minimum Z step size of 50 nm
  • BTX Gemini X2 Electroporator

    BTX Gemini X2 Electroporator

    The BTX Gemini X2 is a device used for electroporation of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. It features two waveforms: square wave and falling exponential wave pulse (X2 systems), enabling simple and efficient electroporation. Square wave pulses are known to be effective for eukaryotic cells, while exponential wave pulses are best suited for prokaryotic cells. The device is suitable for both biomedical and technical applications.


    • Pulse shape: square wave and falling exponential wave pulse
    • Electrode for adherent cells, 5 mm gap for in-vitro and in-vivo tissue electroporation
    • Safety dome with 2-tube electroporation units
    • Cuvettes with 1, 2 and 4 mm gap widths
    • Rectangular pulse area
      • Voltage range
        • LV mode: 5 to 500 V in 1 V steps
        • HV mode: 505 to 3000 V in 5 V steps
      • Pulse length range
        • LV mode: 10 to 999 µs in 1 µm steps, 1 to 999 ms in 1 ms steps
        • HV mode: 10 to 600 µs in 1 µm steps
      • Multiple pulses
        • LV mode: 1 to 120 (10 per sample)
        • HV mode: 1 to 36 (3 per sample)
      • Pulse interval: 0.1 to 10 s capacity
        • LV mode: 3775 µF
        • HV mode: 85 µm
    • Falling exponential wave pulse
      • Voltage range
        • LV mode: 5 to 500 V in 1 V steps
        • HV mode: 505 to 3000 V in 5 V steps
      • Time constant range
        • LV mode: 1 ms to 5.158 s
        • HV mode: 0.5ms to 133.875ms
      • Multiple pulses
        • Multiple pulses: 1 to 12 (Rint < 100 Ω), 1 to 24 (Rint > 100 Ω)
        • Pulse interval: 5 to 30 s
      • Capacity
        • LV mode: 25 to 3275 µF in 25 µF steps
        • HV mode: 10, 25, 35, 50, 60, 75, 85 µF
      • Storage of over 1000 custom protocols
  • Beckman Coulter MULTISIZER 3

    Beckman Coulter MULTISIZER 3

    The Beckman Coulter MULTISIZER 3 is a multi-channel analyser that determines the volume and number of particles in conductive solutions using the Coulter measuring principle, also known as Electrical Sensing Zone (ESZ), and Digital Pulse Processing (DPP) technology. It is mercury-free and allows for precise determination of liquid volumes to ensure accurate measurements of particle concentration. This device finds applications in medical laboratory diagnostics, materials science, and quality control.


    • Total particle size range from 0.4 to 1200 µm in diameter. 0.0336 to 904.8 x 106 fL or µm3 in volume
    • Pulse data: up to 525,00 pulses per analysis
    • Aperture current accuracy: 30 -6000 µA in 0.2 µA increments
    • Aperture current accuracy: ±0.4%
    • Time range: 0.01 to 1000 s, selectable in 10 ms steps
    • Operating temperature: 5 to 40°C
    • Mercury-free pump
    • Nozzle tube sizes: 20 to 2000 µm (currently 30 and 70 µm available)
    • Dosed sample volumes: 50 to 2000 µL
    • Channels in 300 sizes for every area